
Huaxian conbays composite material limited liability company is located in Hua county Ba Li Ying Xiang Kang Zhuang Cun, is a collection research and development, production, sales and service in one of the composite material production enterprises. The main products are: pultruded profiles, glass steel pull extrusion mold, insulated barrel, caterpillar pull extrusion machine, hydraulic pulling and extruding device, heat shrinkable tube, sound barrier, SMC / BMC, molded products, four wheel electric vehicle roof, automobile, agricultural vehicle parts, fence, ladder.

The company has a scientific, rational, unity, sincere team, with a sound production management system, technology management system, quality management system, salary management system, environmental management s...

The perfect quality management system
Since the inception of the company, depending on the quality of life, and the benefits of power enterprises. Have the quality as the focus of the work, set up a comprehensive quality assurance system.
Service team + customer service guarantee
Establish reasonable sales management system and service system;
National service hotline:15544038000
Science and technology R & D strength
The establishment of the FRP composite material product engineering technology research center, equipped with a composite equipment performance, the annual production capacity of enterprises way ahead.
Products sold throughout the country
Company spirit of honesty, quality first, products throughout the Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Hebei, Tianjin, Shanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Guizhou, Gansu, Sichuan, northeast and other regions;
王經(jīng)理 15544038000(陜、川、渝、魯、湘、鄂、桂、滇、黔)
康經(jīng)理 17339067777(冀、京、津、黑、吉、遼)
劉經(jīng)理 15518861011(晉、甘、蒙、青、藏、新)
王經(jīng)理 13083853711(皖、滬、蘇、浙、粵、贛、閩)
Service Hotline:15544038000
Address:Huaxian eight mile Township Kang Zhuang Village
次氯酸钠发生器| 仓储货架| 悬浮物污泥浓度计| 青岛发电机租赁| 锂离子电池厂家| 射频录制回放仪| 304不锈钢卷板| 断桥铝破碎机| 青岛阿里巴巴网销宝| 高精度智能配气系统| 膜结构停车棚| gmp车间洁净服| PVC运动地胶| 绝对式磁栅尺| 德国进口电磁流量计| 绿篱机| 管道浮体| 安徽春辉振动变送器| 斗式提升机厂家| Regine镊子| 化学铜控制器| 超高精影像测量机| VENUS| 德国锐肯尼克Reckonic编码器| 赛莱默德国WTW| X荧光硫测定仪| 台式高速冷冻离心机| 哈希COD分析试剂| 花火烧板| 石家庄扫地车| 美国Seroat高压灭菌袋| 观光车蓄电池| 罗氏蛋白酶K| 超声波汽配焊接| PTFE膜结构| 蒙那多激光传感器| 高压放电法密封性测试仪| 螺杆真空泵| 纯化实验| 标准型超声波液位计| SRY6型|